Helpful Palestinian Arabic Phrases for Visitors to Palestine: Many people in the West Bank, Palestine, speak basic English, so it is possible to travel around Palestine without knowing any Arabic. However, it would be useful and polite to try to learn a few basic Palestinian Arabic phrases to help you interact with the Palestinians that you meet.

Helpful Palestinian Arabic Phrases for Tourists in Palestine

General Phrases

English TranslationArabic PhrasePronunciation
Hi (colloquial, between friends and family )!هايhaay!
Hello (response)اهلينAhlain
Greetingsالسلام عليكمas-salaam 3aleikum
Greetings (response)وعليكم السلامwa-3aleikum as-salaam
Good morningصباح الخيرSubaaH al-kheir
Response to good morningصباح النورSubaaH an-nuur
Good eveningمساء الخيرmasaa al-kheir
Response to good eveningمسا النورmasaa an-nuur
Good nightتصبح على خيرtiSbaH 3ala kheir
Come in/welcome/please have a seatتفضّلtafaDDal tafaDDali

Meeting People And Asking Them How Are They Doing

English TranslationArabic PhrasePronunciation
How are you? (notes on ak/ik)كيف حالك؟ كيفك؟kiif Haalak? kiif Haalik? kiifak? kiifik?
What’s news?شو اخباركshu akhbaarak?
Everything good?كله تمام؟kullu tmaam?
I’m wellمنيح كويس الحمد للهmniH (very Levantine) kwayyis (colloquial Arabic) al-Hamdu li-llah (formal)
Long time no see (notes on ak/ik)يلي زمان ما شفتكyalli zmaan maa shiftak/ik
What’s your name? (notes on ak/ik)شو اسمكshu ismak/ismik?
Where are you from?من وين انت؟min wein inta/inti?
Where are you?وينك؟waynak? waynik?
Pleased to meet youتشرفناtasharrafna

To Say I Do Not Speak Good Arabic

English translationArabic PhrasePronunciation
I don’t understand Arabicانا ما بعرف عربيmaa ba3rif 3arabi
I don’t speak Arabicما بحكي عربيma baHki 3arabi
Do you speak English?بتحكي انغليزي ؟btiHki ingileezi?
Excuse me (to get attention)عفواً عن إذنك بلاذن3afwan 3an iznak bil izn
Yes (casual)آهah (pronounced like “o” in North American “bottle”)
Thank you Many thanksشكراً الف شكرshukran alf shukr
You’re welcomeعفواً العفو3afwan al-3afu (alternative)
You’re welcome (slang)تكرمtikram
How much is this?قدّيش هذا؟addeish haadha?
This is very expensive!هذا غالي كتير!haadha ghaali ktiir!

Goodbye And Some Useful Arabic Phrases

English TranslationArabic PhrasePronunciation
Goodbyeمع السلامهma3 as-salaameh
See you later!بشوفك بعدين!bshufak ba3dein!
Bless him/her! (when talking about a child)ماشاء اللهmashallah!
Bon appetit/Enjoy your mealصحتينSaHtein
I miss youاشتقتلكshta2tilak shta2tilik
I love youبحبكbHibbak (m) bHibbik (f)
Stop! Enough!خلاصkhalaaS!
May I…?ممكن؟mumkin?
No problem/cool/fineبسيطةbaseeTah
My good friend!حبيبيHabiibi!
Let’s goيلاyallah
Swear to godواللهwallah
For sure, definitelyاكيدakiid
walawولوIt’s OK, of course, don’t mention it
I want…بدي…biddi…
What do you want to do?شو بدك تسوي؟shu biddak tisawwi/itsawwi? (pronunciation is regional)
OKطيب، طبTayyib, Tab (shorter, more colloquial)
God willingان‌ شاء اللهinshallah

Hotels And Shopping

English TranslationArabic PhrasePronunciation
How much is it?اديش هو؟addeesh ha’u
Where is an ATM?وين جهاز الصرافwen jehaez is saraafe
Where is a hotel?وين الاوتيلwen fundu?
Do you have vegetarian food?في عندكم طعام نباتيFee indkun taaam nabaatee
One ticket pleaseتذكرة اذا بتريدtazkire izabitreed
That’s too expensiveهادا غالي كتييرHada ghaalee ikteer
Do you want…?بدك.. بدكBidak/Bidek (m/f)
I wantبديBide

Arabic Numbers

NumbersArabic PhrasePronunciation

Days Of The Week In Palestinian Arabic

Days Of The WeekArabic PhrasePronunciation

Final Remarks

Here are just a few useful Palestinian Arabic phrases for any visitor to the West Bank, Palestine, which will hopefully be of value to travelers. What is important to know is that the Arabic spoken in the Palestinian Territories is Levantine Arabic. This is a different regional dialect of MSA (Modern Standard Arabic), which is the official written language of the Arab world and which is often taught in the West.

Super-Intensive & Non-Intensive Arabic CoursesIndividual Levantine Arabic Courses
Modern Standard Arabic Programs Study Palestinian Colloquial Arabic
Levantine Colloquial Arabic CoursesPalestinian & Levantine Online Arabic Courses
Intensive Arabic Language CoursesStudy Arabic in Palestine (1-13 Weeks)

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